Sunday, October 13, 2013

2nd Try. . . . boy on the jetty

I cropped. . . . but didn't maintain the ratio. . . . does that matter to the judges. . . ?  Would love to have gotten about a foot from his little face and hat. . . !!!!  But wouldn't want to go to jail. . .LOL   He was the cutest little thing....


Unknown said...

Here is the cropped photo. . . 2 TIMES i see. . . *sigh*. . . not under the right tab. . . *sigh*. . . oh well. . .

Anonymous said...

*sigh*.... I"ve been trying to lighten up that stink'n tree too, and can't accomplish it. Grrr. I like your crop here.... Remember they "liked" the shadow on mine last time. And "red" hat..... they like that.....

Mrs. McGuire said...

Can you put a little more space above his head or else I love this one!! I enlarged and it looks sharp!!