Sunday, May 4, 2014

It's been a long time...

Gosh, I've been so busy taking photos, editing them, and going on photo adventures that I've been neglecting my blog. It's time to add some new photos...especially from my recent trip to North Carolina. One "old" friend, Christine (old in terms of knowing the longest), one recent friend, Cindy (met her in the fall), one new friend, Dee (met a couple of times at photo club but really got to know her on the trip), and I left the Monday after Easter for a day's drive to North Carolina. We arrived at our destination around 10:00 Eastern time, which was Columbus, NC. Cindy had found a chalet in the mountains to rent for a few days, and once we figured out how to get the key out of the lock box in total darkness except for the car's headlights, we realized that our accommodations were going to be just fine. Since we left at 6:00 in the morning and made numerous gas and "other" stops, we didn't stay up too long once we brought in our numerous bags, photo equipment, etc.

The next day was just beautiful. The chalet has a wrap around desk with full-length windows to bring in natural light, and the landscaping was just beautiful with a variety of flowers. We spent some time photographing the flowers, chalet, and our friendly lizards before deciding what the day's adventure was going to be.

I'll save that for the next blog post.


Staci said...

Good thing those lizards were friendly. They look vicious! LOL. The chalet looks really nice. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your adventures. (Especially the one where you got caught!)

Unknown said...

Looks like a beautiful place except for the lizard! Yikes! Looking forward to the rest of the story.

Mrs. McGuire said...

They were tiny!!

Mrs. McGuire said...

The one where we were caught was surreal...not even sure what I said:)

Diana said...

cool images. Visiting from Be Still 52.